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Ever since our first adoption journey, I’ve (Erin) thought or prayed about adoption nearly every single day. God definitely planted an unforgettable desire to adopt in our hearts. After consideration and prayer, we’ve decided to adopt Lareau Baby #3!!

The month of September has brought tons of encouragement to us…

First, we’ve officially decided to adopt through Adoption Center of Hope in California!! (Previously known as Adoption Answer, the facilitator we were working with before Evan.) We LOVE LOVE the way they minister to expectant/birth moms – that’s very important to us! Plus, they are attentive and great with adoptive families.

Second, we had a very successful garage sale! Thanks to many GENEROUS friends, neighbors and family! Seriously, our friends hooked us up with awesome stuff and our family spent many full days and nights helping us set up, care for Evan and Audrey, fed us, etc. In true Colorado style, snow flakes were falling from the sky the first day and the next day was the most gorgeous early Fall day. Believe it or not, we sold more in the freezing temps than the second day…crazy Coloradans! Go figure! Friends stopped by to encourage and support us, strangers “paid” more than than their purchases totaled and shoppers shared their adoption journeys. The blessing outweighed the effort, no doubt. Between this sale and the one we had in June (which friends and family also contributed to generously), $2200 came in!!!IMG_5989-0.JPG

Third, the Acura sold today!!! The check we got from that will cover our first large fee!

The reality of snuggling a newborn is getting closer and closer by the day!! Who knows? Our baby might already dancing in his/her momma’s tummy 🙂

We’re excited to share this journey with our family and friends! Thanks for sharing in our excitement!!